How Would Trading Be For You, If You Knew How to Adjust Your Trades?
Every trade at initiation should have a clearly defined entry-, target- and stop level. If you know your probability for success and balance it with the reward/risk level, you should be on the way to making money; however, this often does not happen. In this article you will experience how knowing trade adjustment methods instead of taking the stop-loss, can better your odds of making money exponentially.
Knowing and teaching trade adjustment methods gave us the name NeverLossTrading®. We are in the trading education business since August 2008 and we are looking back to 30-years of own trading experience.
Read on to experience how it all works:
Picture-1: Trade Adjustment Levels for AAPL on the NLT Top-Line Chart
When you adjust a trade instead of accepting an immediate loss, you are looking at three potential outcomes:
- Turn potential losers into winners.
- Close the position at break even.
- Reduce the potential loss by at least 50%.
Which of the three different outcomes you can realize, greatly depends on the strength and time period in which the opposite price move occurs.
By our base assumption, we plan to stay in a trade for 1-5 bars (days), maximum 10-bars, with a median time in the trade of 4-bars; however, when we adjust a trade position it will extend the time in the trade with the following implications:
Table-1: Implications of Trade Adjustment Methods
By turning losers into winners, we assume that the trade adjustment gives us 50% (conservative) of the initial return we had planned to capture at Target-1.
In the next step, we combine trade adjustment methods, with the odds of a high probability trading system, where you win two out of three trades as a swing trader, trading stocks or stock options, assuming:
- The Stock Trader can make use of all three possibilities, using NeverLossTrading methods.
- The Stock Option Trader can make use of possibility two and three.
Without trade adjustment, our median time in a trade is calculated at four days. When adjusting every third trade to reach either break even or turn a losing trade into a winner, we add additional 10 days to the trading period, giving us an average time in the trade, for a set of three trades, of about seven days. In case we exit the trade with a 50%-loss after adjustment, we assume to add five days to the trading period; resulting in an average time in the trade of five days, for a set of three trades.
Trade adjustments for stock trades can be made without a requirement for additional cash or capital. This is not the case if you want to adjust option trades: You will need to cover margin requirements and hold some trade capital back to do so.
Table-2: Trade Adjustment and Implications (Opening three initial trade positions)
Table-2 shows that applying any of the NLT trade adjustment scenarios, produces a substantially higher expected return than taking the stop loss for every third trade; even so we are adding additional time to the initial trading period:
- If you reduce your loss by 50% in additional five days, you produce a 20% higher return.
- If you reach breakeven by adding 10 trading days, you produce a 14% better result (negative impact of the extended time in the trade).
- If you turn losers into winners, you gone produce a 42% better result.
In summary: You are always better on adjusting your trade than taking the stop loss.
For more details of our high probability trading systems and trade adjustment:
Call +1 866 455 4520 or
Let us now come to trading stock options, where an opposite price move of the underlying quickly leads to a 50% loss of the NLT initiated option pick (The NLT Delta Force concept teaches you which options and strike prices qualify for high probability trading). When you trade for a minimum option price move of 30%, the results of comparing trades with and without adjustment methods look as follows:
Table-3: Option Trading with NLT Trade Adjustment Calculations
For being able to adjust option trades, we hold back 35% of the capital to cover margin requirements.
When you are able to adjust option trades, you are substantially increasing your return expectations. Table-3 shows:
- When you to cut your losses by 50% through an applicable adjustment method your return expectations are 80% higher than not applying adjustments.
- When you achieve to exit your adjusted trades at breakeven, a 220% higher return can be expected.
How can you learn applicable trade adjustment methods?
By taking one of our mentorships:
We will teach you in individual training units (all recorded), how to find assets with institutional attention, to trade along with their price moves, expressed by proprietary indicators and trading concepts.
To learn more about us and our concept, feel free to schedule your personal consulting hour:
Call +1 866 455 4520 or
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Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
The risk of trading securities, options, futures can be substantial. Customers must consider all relevant risk factors, including their own personal financial situation before trading. In our teaching of how to trade the markets, in our newsletters, webinars and our involvement in the Investment Clubs, neither NOBEL Living, LLC, the parent company of NeverLossTrading® , or any of the speakers, staff or members act as stockbrokers, broker dealers, or registered investment advisers. We worked out trading concepts that benefit us greatly and share them through education with our members and clients.